Ethiopia Duromina Site 2 Lot #29 - Washed - 250g
This is a very delicate washed coffee from the Jimma region, with chiseled aromas of black tea, candied lemon and bergamot, floral notes reminiscent of jasmine, and that at times reminded us of the delicious scent of peaches sprinkled with vanilla sugar, slowly roasted in butter.
The dominant lemon flavor gives this coffee a refreshingly bright acidity, especially in filter extraction like V60, which is accompanied by a very high sweetness.
In espresso, we find the "punch" linked to this high acidity, the pleasure of a long, sweet mouthfeel, and a rather fine but silky texture.
Available in our 3 roast levels.
Region: Jimma
Producer: Duromina Cooperative
Varietal: Heirloom
Harvest: 2021/2022
Post harvest treatment: Washed
Duromina, which means "to improve their lives" in the Afan Oromo language, is a coffee cooperative located in the southwestern Jimma area.
Coffee has been grown here for generations, but it was traditionally processed using the dry (natural) method. Farmers paid little attention to quality control. Despite the ideal climate and altitude for growing coffee, the region's coffee was synonymous with poor quality. Year after year, farmers received low prices for their coffee, which did not allow them to live comfortably. On paper, however, they had everything they needed: a very high altitude, rich and fertile soils, Ethiopia's incredibly complex heirloom varietals and good rainfall. The missing link was quality control.
In 2010, about 100 local coffee farmers banded together to form Duromina. As the name suggests, their goal was simple: to improve their lives. With technical support, business advice, and access to financing through TechnoServe's Coffee Initiative, members acquired and installed a wet mill and began processing fully washed coffee for the first time. These improvements allowed Duromina to produce high-quality coffee and bring new prosperity to the community. Two years later, an international panel of professional judges named Duromina's coffee the best in Africa, awarding the cooperative first prize in the region's premier coffee tasting competition.